Keep Calm And Carry On.



In this game of masquerades I always play the last card.

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Atiqah Iiqah Izzuan Syafiqah Yufen

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Template and skins : NurIzzati
Re-edit : Hana-Riana
Background and Photo : We♥it Fading Night

Jan 29, 2010 | 4:38 PM | 0 hearts ♔
pheww! At last, its raining. Thats why its so humid.

i love my school bagpack. <3 haha, okey. Thats so random.

So, i almost finish up the whole twilight book in two days! Now i understand, why people are so obssesed with this movie. Okey, lets do some summary about the book. I wished somewhat i was Bella. So that i can experienced how is it like to fall in love with a hot vampire. Haha! The way the writer express each word and describe Edward Cullen, its making me falling in love with this romantic vampire. Bella and Edward seems to be a perfect couple with an extraordinary love story. Cool, hah?

Besides reading, i've already read up my chem textbook on periodic table. I wanted to revise on maths but to realise, i dont fucking understand what its all about. So, i thought of staying back after school on monday, with ms chitra. So that, i could catch up on the topics i've already miss. Tomorrow is working day. -.= and im going back to school for dnt. And im meeting dd tomorrow night to get my textbook. I've no plan what i shall do tonight. I hope aizat or amin will text me.I've already packed my back for monday's lessons. See, how eager i am to get back to school?! Hehe. The first thing i'll do when i meet my friends, is to shout their name and hug them! Ouh, next tue will be the start of SST. Torturing. Haiss.. Im eager to know how the class tee goes. I hope its all settle. and i hope its not that expensive. Im working hard to save money, dont know for what reason. Nyeahahaha! Im wondering when is my next payday and when can i start mendaki with my beroks. (form pon blm hantar..) hahahaha! I want to buy cheong sum laa. If, the school allows us to wear during chinese new year. Haha.

Ouh, i have something to tell. Last night, i had this funny dream. (but i dont think its funny, somehow.) i dreamt aizat wanted to 'kenal kenal' with edora. And i dont know what that has got to do with me. And then, i was in a different place and amin asked me for patch, the fourth time. I dont know what happened, suddenly kak adnin asked me if i wanted to follow her to wild wild wet and celebrate nadia's birthday. And then i woke up to find that its just 8.50am. Haha. Okey, thats all i have for today. Take care, peeps.

life is short; we live what we can.


Fly away ▲

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