Keep Calm And Carry On.



In this game of masquerades I always play the last card.

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Atiqah Iiqah Izzuan Syafiqah Yufen

♔ Footprints

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Template and skins : NurIzzati
Re-edit : Hana-Riana
Background and Photo : We♥it Fading Night

Nov 30, 2010 | 12:00 AM | 0 hearts ♔

So, there is this amazing boy, you see. And he means the entire world to me. The thought of him can make me smile. Every second with him is all worthwhile. He’s the one I look to when I get upset. He’s the cutest boy I’ve ever met. His eyes are stunning, his smile makes me weak. He’s too gorgeous, sometimes I can’t even speak. He can tell when something is on my mind. He’s incredibly sweet, caring, and kind. The things that he does, too cute, I must say. He’s the boy that always brightens my day. Basically, well, my boyfriend’s the best. And having known him, I’d say that I’m blessed. So here’s to you, baby, thanks for always being there, I’ll love you forever and ever, I swear.


Fly away ▲

Nov 16, 2010 | 1:37 PM | 0 hearts ♔

went tampines mall to search for Hafeez's present. before that went Pizza's Hut for lunch. had long talks and laughter that aches stomach. Weeza got eyed-candy. haha, thats so funny. cause that guy made for her a tissue rose! then we all ws like "WOAHH~" at the same time. so kecoh sia. i think we made the most noise in the restaurant.

went home at around 8pm and reach within and hour. that's fast!~ look, Ryn so tired ready. HAHAHAHA.

& we did mocking something about the bitches. but shouldnt elaborate. okay, got to go kay! bye~

Don't we need time to breathe?


Fly away ▲

Nov 12, 2010 | 3:57 PM | 0 hearts ♔

yey, today was last day of bridging! pada pap pap pap, Im loving it~ HAHAHAH~ kay, stop it. so so, Love didnt come school today. LAZY BUM! then lessons as per normal. had nasi goreng for reccess. since it will be the last one this year. ): more sad when we found out that Mr Soh leaving to other school & MDM WOO TAKING US NEXT YEAR! _1_ like wtf sia! thinking twice to go sec 5. but i must not give up. so, at DNT lesson slacked awhile and continued with the artefact Mr Soh had assigned. Nazri helped me out but in the end, he make it worst! hahha, but never mind lah. no marks for it also. end up, threw it but had fun laughing over his jokes. hmm hmm, after this all of us will be bus with work. so yeah, HAPPY WORKING!
okay, i got to go now. bye peeps!
i want to hug you all the time … that’s love :)


Fly away ▲

Nov 7, 2010 | 3:20 PM | 0 hearts ♔

Shalalalala~ Wee, Imma happy girl today. Cause firstly, boyf and me okay already. Secondly, mum just bought me a dress. & thirdly, my borther went out so I can surf the net as long as I want. Nyeahahahaha! Eh, Im not being stingy or selfish okay. But just imagine lah. Yesterday, I wanted to use the net for like freaking 5 mins then he pushed me & scolded me vulgarities. Like kurang ajar kn. Then in the afternoon, I asked for him a favour to accompany me to Woodlands Mart & he said, "Lazy ah." NB lazy pig. Urgh, sorry for my language. But when it comes to my brother, I cant help it seriously. So eventually, I had to carry those heavy groceries on my own. Damn heavy okay, I had a few plastic bags. Tak percaye, tanye Izzuan. Haha, cause we bumped into each other. Hmm, I think I can grow muscles already sia. Today, followed mum to shopping and yes, another few plastic bags. -.-

So, yesterday was Deepavali. Didnt went anywhere. Just to work with gfs. I dont why I kept making mistakes the past two days. Alot of times kena tegur. Prolly, my mind was somewhere else. O_o Sooooo, I told mum when I get my pay I'll treat the family Pizza Hut's. But yeah, waiting for my salary. Maybe next week? Hmm, Cik Is also asked. Haha, dont know le. My salary not even like five hundred bucks. :P

Yeyey, next week will be last week of bridging. So fast time flies~ Looking forward to SC camp. And few outings. Hmm hmm. Okay, I should go do my prayers now & then, sleep. I got my homeworks to do some more tonight.

I always seems to forgot to unlove you.


Fly away ▲

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